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Listen to the Sound of the Bells

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There was a blind man who was invited to attend the wedding of a friend. The couple had chosen to be married in a village church that was known for its picturesque qualities.

As the couple left the chapel, the mother of the groom said to the blind man, “What a pity that you couldn’t see the chapel. It really is so lovely. And such a pretty garden.”

She later repeated this to some mutual friends at the reception. The blind man just shrugged his shoulders each time and changed the subject. He thought to himself, “Didn’t she hear the bells?”

For him, the bells that had rung before and after the ceremony had been magnificent. He was astonished at their tones and the patterns that they made. For him they had created an atmosphere of joy and sacredness. A God Touch

The blind man finally concluded that the mother of the groom may have seen the lovely chapel but she missed the sound of the bells. With all her senses she had only experienced part of the beauty.

Every time a church bell rings….an angel gets to spread its wings!

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