Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind, a product of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions, a predominance of courage over timidity, an appetite for adventure.
Nobody grows old by living a number of years. People grow old when they desert their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
Worry, self-doubt, fear, and anxiety—these are the culprits that bow the head and break the spirit.
Whether seventeen or seventy, there exists in the heart of every person who loves life the thrill of a new challenge, the insatiable appetite for what is coming next. You are as young as your faith and as old as your doubts.
So long as your heart receives from your head messages that reflect beauty, courage, joy, and excitement, you are young. When your thinking becomes clouded with pessimism and prevents you from taking risks, then you are old.
Personally, I am very concerned about people my age and of every age whose heart is receiving messages from their head that DO NOT reflect beauty, courage, joy and excitement. Rather, their heart is receiving messages of pessimism, negativism, falsehood and hatred from their head.
I recently received several such emails, loaded with negativism and character assassinations. When I Googled Reuters Fact Check, the trails of lies were fully exposed. There was not one ounce of truth or validity in these emails. Yet millions of heads had sent such totally false and hateful messages to millions of their own hearts who believed them to be true.
Has YOUR head been sending messages of beauty, courage, joy and excitement to YOUR heart?
The format of the Daily Treats has been pretty much consistent these past three years. The Daily Treat emails go out from Mail Chimp at 7:00 AM EST each morning. Whenever there is a problem with delivery or otherwise I call or text Tim Veach and he fixes it. Thanks Tim!! A picture goes along with the story that follows. The story is aimed at getting your attention and getting you to reflect and think. I try to make the stories applicable to everyday life issues and situations. With all of the social, political and religious turmoil going on, I try to bring forth the Judeo-Christian values that are more needed today than ever. I do admit that most days I try to challenge you as the reader or the podcast listener to examine your values and your behavior in order to become more fully alive as a follower of Jesus. Many of my daily postings try to help you have a much closer relationship with Jesus as your friend and Savior. If you have not done so, please hit the white triangle in the green circle and listen to the Daily Treat podcast. Many people never listen to the Daily Treat podcast.
“I am eternally grateful for that post and I have shared it many times. It has truly changed my life. Keep writing and sharing “Treats for the Soul”. You are making a difference in many lives.” — Jim
“Thank you, Father Med. Deeply profound, meaningful, timely and insightful. I will be sharing this with my Small Christian Community group, my granddaughter, and co-workers.” — Diane