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God’s Grace!

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Anne Lamott, in her book Traveling Mercies, describes a time when a fellow church member told about adopting her son through an organization called ASK, Adopt Special Kids. 

Part of the adoption process included filling out a questionnaire checking Yes or No to one’s willingness to adopt babies that had been born addicted, terminally ill, with physical “defects,” or mental disabilities. She and her husband had checked down the list. 

Lamott’s pastor said that God, too, is like an adoptive parent who says, “Sure, I’ll take the kids who are addicted, or terminal. I pick all the retarded kids and of course the sadists. The selfish one, the liars . . .I choose each and every one of them. 

“I choose the disobedient ones and the terrified ones. The self-indulged ones and the trouble-makers. The damaged ones and the unlovable ones. In love, I choose them all. I will be a parent to them all. I will end their separation and bring them home to me.”

That’s the Gospel Message…..That’s the Good News. God’s grace is available to all. To the immoral and the amoral, to the Arab and the Jew, to the native and to the illegal immigrant, to gay and straight, to black and brown and yellow and white. And it is truly Good News.

Thanks to Anne Lamott and to King Duncan for sharing and to Unsplash for the photo. 

“God’s grace is available to all.” How is this Gospel Message Good News to YOU in YOUR life with what YOU say and with what YOU do to and for others?


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