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A man I once knew told me how he and his teenage son watched football on TV the whole weekend. On Saturdays it was college, on Sundays it was the pros, and there was Monday and then Thursday night football.

When his son went on a religious retreat weekend his father worried that his son might turn into a religious fanatic. I asked the father if he thought being a sports fan was okay for his son. “Of course,” he replied. But when I pointed out that “fan” is the shortened version of “fanatic,” he was taken aback. 

His long-neglected wife, a football widow if there ever was one, wondered aloud why it was perfectly acceptable to be a football fanatic and not a religious fanatic. 

“Because,” replied her husband without thinking, “unlike a religious fanatic, a football fanatic can be perfectly harmless.” “Yes,” said the long-unnoticed football widow, “I can vouch for that!”

Jesus isn’t looking for FANS. He’s looking for FOLLOWERS!

People think I’m crazy. They say, “You take this Jesus thing very seriously.” “Well, I don’t know….Jesus took me pretty seriously when he died on the cross for me.”

Thanks to Dave Adamson for the photo. 

Do YOU consider YOURSELF a FAN or a FOLLOWER of Jesus? 


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