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Life Calls Us to Move!

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An ancient Chinese proverb advises: “If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.”

Standing on the threshold of a New Year, this may be the proper time for us to examine and shift our values. It’s possible that the strongest thirst of our being is still unrecognized, still hiding under this or that. We all live much of life superficially.

None of us are here by chance. We have a purpose, a calling beyond the self, a unique responsibility to decide and act. Kierkegaard spoke of the “leap of faith.” He was speaking of a commitment more dependent on faith than on proof. A God Whisper

We are never capable of having all the answers. Those who would grow take many a step, even in the midst of tragedy, not knowing exactly what comes next.

Life calls us to move, to act, to make a commitment, to take a risk, to forgive someone, to forge into new territory, trusting God to affect the consequences. A God Touch

Thanks to James Garrett for these ideas.

What is God the Father asking of you at the beginning of this New Year?

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