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Life Is a Journey

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Life is but a stopping place,
a pause in what’s to be, 
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.

We all have different journeys,
different paths along the way, 
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay….

Our destination is a place,
far greater than we know,
For some the journey’s quicker,
for some the journey’s slow.

And when the journey finally ends,
we’ll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
together with the Lord. 

By Anonymous

What ideas or feelings strike you as you read these words?    Why do you say that?

I would especially love to hear from you and how you are doing during this pandemic along with your comments, questions and suggestions. My email address is: This is the address I check throughout the day. 

Please invite your family and your friends to subscribe. We need to assist each other through these trying times with help and strength from the Lord.     Blessings!!

Fr. Med Laz

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