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Our Only Fear Is Fear Itself

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There is a parable about a little boy who fled from a witch who had turned herself into a cat.

As the boy ran, he kept glancing fearfully over his shoulder. The first time he looked back, the cat was the size of a horse. The next time he looked, it had grown to the dimensions of an elephant.

Then the boy fell, and was unable to go any farther. Resolutely he got up and faced the pursuing horror. It stopped. So he took a step toward it. It backed away. As he continued to advance toward it, it began to shrink in size as it retreated from him.

Finally it changed into a mouse and ran under the door of the witch’s cottage to never be seen again.

The moral of the parable is clear: It pays to face up to your fears. But sometimes that is hard to do.

That is when we need to turn to Jesus. Jesus can help us stand up to our fears and conquer them. Jesus showed the whole world that he could cast out demons. When we let him, Jesus will cast out our demons of fear as well. A God Touch

Thanks to Leslie Weatherhead for this parable.

The fears we don’t facebecome our limits.

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