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Many people think they can go solo through life, “doing” life all by themselves. “I don’t need God. Religion is for children and old ladies.” Sorry, my friend, you’ve got it all wrong.

True Christianity has a place for strong men and women. It’s for those who want to live a life that’s meaty … one that counts for something. Christ calls no one to “Easy Street.” 

Jesus only made two promises to his disciples: that they would get into trouble if they followed him, and that he would stick by them when they did.

Those who live their Christianity often find they receive as many jeers as cheers. There is always trouble when one speaks out against injustice. Most of Christ’s disciples were killed for their efforts. Evil rarely sits idly by when it is under attack.

The false image that many people hold of Christianity is a bastardization of the real thing. Christianity is not something that happens to you, it is something you make happen. It is not a noun but a verb … actively making an impact on the lives of those who come into contact with it.

Most of the significant Christians have been strong people of great character. People willing to do what was right rather than what was expedient … men and women who felt that living a meaningful life was more important than life itself.

Those who feel they can live a significant life apart from Jesus Christ might well rethink the matter. Check the Christian field manual (the Bible), and you will be surprised at what you’ll find. If your parish isn’t where it’s at, perhaps God wants to use you to get it back into shape. That’s if you’re courageous enough for the task.

Christianity needs strong men and women – those who are proud that they are among God’s own and have found meaning in a life of service. They understand Saint Paul when he says, “To live is Christ,” for they are truly alive.

With help from John Krahn. In appreciation to Pixabay for the photo. 

“Christianity is not something that happens to YOU, it is something YOU make happen. It is not a noun but a verb.” What do these words mean to YOU as a Christian? 


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