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Why Not Give Your Best?

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Sometimes, by the grace of God, we are presented with a challenge that calls forth our best. What we discover is that by giving our best we become our best. Life is full of opportunities to become more.

A few years ago a doctor published this personal testimony, this confession, in a noted medical journal

I considered myself one of the best and the brightest. Having just left a prestigious residency and fellowship program, I thought I was honed to a fine medical edge. My first law of medical practice was soon declared: “A wheelchair outside the treatment room door means trouble and should be avoided at all cost.” Because it means that your skills may not keep things under control.

Nevertheless, I violated that law one day
, and after taking a deep breath I stepped over a wheelchair, opened a door and met John. He was a referral from a colleague, and I was silently furious because John, age 14, had cerebral palsy, was painfully deformed and was extremely ill. He had been abandoned by his parents at an early age, knew few friends and lived in a foster home. And there he was now in my treatment room. A God Provide

John also had widespread cancer. During the next year, numerous and prolonged hospitalizations were required to keep him partially comfortable. He never complained and showed uncommon courage; nonetheless, his care became an increasing ordeal.

Finally, after a particularly frustrating day for the two of us, John grabbed my arm and said,
I’m sorry to be such a burden to you.”

That night John died.

I’ve never forgotten John and the lesson he taught me
. He taught me that there was more to me than I gave myself credit for being. He taught me that giving my best is to become my best. He taught me that life is full of opportunities to become more. And to think I almost missed it.

Lent is a time for us to reflect and to become more!!

Story provided by Michael D. Powell

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