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Every person on our planet has a name. Not a single person as they were being born had a choice of their own name. Our parents were the ones who provided us with the name that would last a lifetime for each of us. 

Until about 50 years ago, many parents named their son or daughter after a family member, usually using the name of a saint. Hopefully the saint would look out for and help their child throughout life. The child was encouraged to learn about their saint, exemplify his or her good qualities and pray to the saint. 

When I was born my parents had not chosen a name. They asked my two brothers who were in 5thand 6thgrade in a Catholic school to inquire of the nuns a name for their new baby brother. The French order of nuns had two favorite names of saints, Felix and Medard. I was fortunate to get Medard as my first name. Medard lived in the 5thcentury and was the bishop of Vermard, France. He lived a most interesting life and is the patron of weather, both good or bad, being the patron of people who work outside. 

Over the last half-century parents consult baby-name books looking to choose a name that sounds pleasing and has a meaningful connotation.We know people who were named for places, like Savannah, Virginia or Dallas. No doubt you know how you received your name. How do you feel about your name? If you were able to rename yourself today, what name would you choose?

I encourage you to consider and to choose for yourself what is called a LIFE VERSE. Choosing a LIFE VERSE helps you to find a touchstone for your life. A LIFE VERSE is a short verse from the Bible that has special meaning for you. You can go back to it again and again to give you strength, direction, understanding, hope and love. A LIFE VERSE summarizes for you what your life is all about or what you need to succeed in life.   A God Notice

Here are some suggestions:

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”  Philippians 4:4-5

“If God is for us, who can ever be against us? ”Romans 8:31

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30

“What you have received as a gift, now give as a gift.” Matthew 10:8. This has been my LIFE VERSE for many years. To say it has been the touchstone of my life would be an understatement. I say it to myself many times in the course of a day or a week. These words of Jesus certainly give me strength, direction, understanding, hope and love as I go about my day and my life. 

We did not choose our first or our last names. Our parents did that. We can choose our LIFE VERSE.

Go ahead, choose a LIFE VERSE for yourself. Repeat it often to yourself. 

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