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Anyone You Recognize?

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Fred Everybody, Thomas Somebody, Peter Anybody, and Joe Nobody were neighbors, but not the type that most people would want to know. 

They were odd people, troublesome, and difficult to understand. The way they lived their lives was a shame. These men all went to the same church, but most would not have wanted them as parishioners. 

Everybody went fishing on Sundays or stayed home and spoke with his friends. 

Anybody wanted to worship, but he was afraid that Somebody would speak with him.

 Thus, guess who went to church – that’s right, Nobody. Actually, Nobody was the only decent one of the lot. Nobody did the parish census; Nobody joined the parish council.

One day there was a call in the bulletin for people to apply for a position as a teacher in the religious education program. Everybody thought Anybody would apply; Anybody thought Somebody would apply. So, guess who applied? You are right – Nobody! 

My friends, let’s not be an everybody, somebody, or anybody. Rather, let us truly strive to be a nobody. In such a way we empty ourselves so we can be filled with the amazing power of Christ, who died to set us free and will always be our brother, our friend, and our Lord.

Thanks to Richard Gribble for sharing this.   Thanks to Osman Karagoz for the photo. 

Whom do YOU see YOURSELF to be in this Parable? Everybody? Somebody? Anybody? or Nobody?

We Will Never Change the World by GOING to Church. We Will Only Change the World by BEING the Church!!

This is a fun message to share with your congregation.

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