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In August, 2000 I took the bath at the Shrine in Lourdes, France. I had been suffering from severe sciatic pain in my right leg for over 3 years. Three separate shots and a lot of physical therapy provided no relief. The gentleman from England standing next to me in line said to not expect an immediate cure, but a cure would happen in time.

His daughter and wife were at the women’s baths giving thanks. His daughter had been born 30 years ago with many physical and mental disabilities. At the age of 15, many doctors said there was no further hope for any progress. But at 15 she came and took the bath at Lourdes. He said his daughter was now 30 and over time had made remarkable progress. She was living on her own, had a job and cared for herself. All of her doctors said it was a miracle, beyond any medical or human explanation. He said he himself was in line because he was going completely blind.

At that very moment, the attendant came and ushered me into the baths which are like caves carved into the Pyrenees mountains. My mind was swirling with what the man had just told me about his daughter and himself. Within a matter of seconds, I took off all my clothes and wrapped myself in a large towel. Two men then led me into the stone bath hewn from the floor. I took a couple of steps and sat down in the water which was cold. The water came up to my chest.

The two men led me in an Our Father and a Hail Mary in French, then Latin and finally in English. They then gave me a cup of the water. I was not sure of what to do with it. I sipped a bit and then poured it over my head. In silence, sitting naked in cold water at Lourdes, I simply prayed a prayer of surrender: “Whatever you want for me and from me, Lord, I am yours, completely yours.” It was by far the most spiritual experience of my life. A few moments later as I went to get dressed and put on my socks, my feet, even between my toes, were completely dry.

There was no immediate cure, but over the next 9 months all of my pain went away. For 18 years now I have been completely free of the terrible sciatic pain in my back and right leg.

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