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Christmas Is a Necessity!

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Christmas is a necessity! There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we are here for something else besides ourselves.

This is another Pandemic Christmas for everyone who is now alive on earth. As much as we see the death toll rise above 800,000 people in America…..As much as we see a few heart-breaking victims on TV who have lost loved ones to COVID-19…..As much as we witness the nurses, doctors and health care workers stretched to their breaking point for many, many months – we still center our attention on ourselves: our wants, our needs, our discomforts, our limitations, our mask-wearing, our fears and our COVID-19 fatigue. Just listen to yourself!

So Christmas 2021 is not just the 25th of December on our calendars this year. It is so much more than that. The gift of this Christmas is not simply looking in the mirror again to see yourself with all your wants and needs and gripes. 

The gift of Christmas this year is hiding that mirror and only seeing the wonder, the miracles and the beauty of those around you and beyond you that you’ve somehow missed during the pandemic and possibly a lot longer. 

If God was only thinking of himself 2000 years ago, Jesus would never have been born. God would have told his Son to stay home in heaven where he would be safe and glorious. There would never have been a First Christmas. But God was not just thinking of himself. God was only thinking of you and me…..and the rest is history!!

Christmas is a necessity! There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we are here for something else besides ourselves.

How is Christmas 2021 a necessity for YOU this year after all YOU have been through?


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