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God’s Messenger to You

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The prophets of God in our lives are not usually the paid preacher or TV evangelist or some famous preacher like Billy Graham. Rather, the messengers of God to us are usually much closer and nearer, like a wife, a husband, a child, a parent, or a dear and close friend who have the willingness to be honest with you.

And deep down inside, we often want to silence the honesty of God’s messenger to us. We are like the Pharisees in that we want to silence the voices of the messengers of God to us.

Or to our nation. Or about our nation. Yes, we want to silence those messengers from God who tell us the truth about our nation and how it is perceived by other countries, especially Third World nations.

The real question is: How have you and I been silencing the messengers of God in our lives?

I think of common illustrations such as the following: I think of the wife who says, “You are a workaholic and you are rarely emotionally home for the kids and for me.” 

I think of a husband who says, “Honey, you have become an alcoholic and you refuse to come to grips with your drinking problem which is affecting our whole family.” 

I think of the parishioner who says to the pastor, “You weren’t there for me when I needed you.”

The list goes on and on within our personal lives, where we often do not listen to the local messengers from God in our lives.

Thanks to Edward F. Markquart for these words. 

What local messenger has God sent YOU that you have listened to and have not listened to? 

Please join me this Thursday evening, September 10th, at 7:00 PM Central Standard Time for my Building Dreams Virtual Event with Food for the Poor. We are building a new school in Haiti. Please go to to register. Please join me on Thursday evening. 


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