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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

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May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back. 

May the sun shine warm upon your face; 

The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, 

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

There are many legends about St. Patrick. In one of the legends, Patrick was travelling around Ireland. He came across two brothers whose father had died. Instead of being sad about their father’s death, they were quarrelling over which one of them should now own their father’s farm and possessions. 

At first they shouted at each other, and next they started to fight with their fists. St. Patrick called out to them to stop fighting – but they were too angry to hear him. One of the brothers picked up a large rock, and St. Patrick feared that he might kill the other – and so he called out a prayer. 

Instantly both brothers were turned into stone. They could still hear and see, but they couldn’t move. St. Patrick explained to them that it was wrong for brothers to fight – and when he turned them back into men, they were so amazed that they settled their differences and were friends forever more.    A God Notice

What might YOU say or do that would lead St. Patrick to turn you into stone?

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