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Such Terrible Storms!

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Our TV and computer screens have been filled with the images of terrible storms, overwhelming floods, hurricanes, tornados and earthquakes.

Jesus talked about this: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock” (Matthew 7:24-25). 

Lebanon in northern Israel has rocky hillsides, while the valleys, where the rivers run, are sandy because of erosion coming down from higher ground. 

A village builder in Jesus’ day had two choices. They did not excavate foundations. You built a house in the valley on sandy soil or on a rocky hillside. Valley building was easier, but the hillside was safer. 

Hillside builders planned for the worse. Valley builders hoped for the best. When the winter rains come in a rush, a dry creek bed quickly becomes a torrent that sweeps everything away. Hard rain and strong winds fiercely blew and beat upon both houses. 

They look alike, but when the storm passes, and flash floods subside, only one house remains. The same materials, but different foundations. 

The imagery is not about the troubles of this life, though that might not be a bad secondary application. It is about the Final Judgment of God pictured as a natural disaster that tests everything you have and own all at once. Please reflect on this when you see such terrible natural disasters on your TV and computer screens.  

Which foundation are YOU building YOUR house and your LIFE upon? It’s a simple question whose message is clear. Build your house and your life on a foundation of love, joy, compassion, and especially upon mercy and forgiveness. Then no storm, no wind, no flood will take your earthly home OR your eternal home away from you!


I have a special thanks to everyone who tuned into to our Virtual Event last night: I am helping Food for the Poor to build a new school in Roseaux, Haiti, hopefully on a firm foundation. This was the area hit by the 7.2 earthquake on August 14th. You can still tune in today and watch last night’s Event if you missed it. Thank You for your fantastic support!!

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