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Who the Heck Are You?

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Ellie Wiesel, the Jewish philosopher, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize winner said that the only question God is going to ask us when we die is:

“Did you become the person that you are?”

I think that Wiesel is on target. God is not going to ask us about the size of our house or how we made a living. I don’t think God is going to look at the clerical white collar around my neck or the wedding ring on someone’s finger. I don’t think God is going to total up all of our sins and compare this to the list of good deeds that we performed.

I do think God is going to ask whether the white clergy collar around my neck or the wedding ring on your finger helped you and me to become the person that we are.

Did the collar, the ring, help you and me to become compassionate, loving and caring?

For each one of us, God had a dream, a vision not so much about what we were going to do with our lives, but rather who we were going to become.

Become the type of person you want to meet.

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